Activities with DHS
Students may participate in District activities at DHS when this does not conflict with Early College High School classes. In some cases the parents may have to provide transportation between the two schools. The student must work out an agreement with the coach or sponsor.
Parents must realize that if a student chooses to use their Elective credit for Band, Choir, Major Sports, etc, that this may prevent the student from earning an Associate Degree. The pathway to earn the Associate is very tight and students must stay on track to reach the goal. During their Junior and Senior year students must realize that college classes do not excuse absences for high school activities. The policy at WNMU is that after a student misses 3 times the student may be dropped from the class with no credit given.
The Early College High School is determined to be flexible with students to allow participating in DHS activities, but parents and students must look realistically at the limitations.
Major Sports: ECHS ends for the day at 3:25pm so students may leave a little early to participate in Major Sports at DHS. (or other activities with a 7th period section)